“The pancake alarm is going off” at the A.P.E. Ltd Gallery

ESW, The pancake alarm is going off, collagraph, 2020

Extraction: Green to the Extreme
Zea Mays Printmaking exhibition
October 4 – November 1, 2020

ONLINE and at the A.P.E. Ltd Gallery, 126 Main Street, Northampton, MA

Zea Mays Printmaking presents Green to the Extreme, an exhibition featuring multimedia printmaking works by 38 artists about the political, social, and personal issues related to natural resource exploitation, including its effect on art making and human life.   

The exhibition is associated with a pan-global art project, Extraction: Art on the Edge of the Abyss, “a multimedia, multi-venue, cross-border art intervention that will investigate extractive industry in all of its forms from mining and drilling to the reckless exploitation of water, soil, trees, marine life, and other natural resources.” (https://www.extractionart.org/home). 

Zea Mays members were challenged to join this “international art ruckus” with a loud and spirited voice while using only repurposed, plundered, rescued, recycled, traded materials in their art. The artwork in the exhibition ranges from sculpture, to prints, artists’ books, quilts, wall and ceiling hangings and more

Extraction: Green to the Extreme will run from October 4th to November 1st, 2020 at A.P.E. Gallery, Northampton, MA. Gallery hours are posted on the website http://www.apearts.org. For additional information please contact ZMP Director Liz Chalfin at liz@zeamaysprintmaking.com or call 413- 584-1783.

Masks and social distancing are required while visiting gallery during gallery hours. 

View the online exhibit here: https://www.zeamaysprintmaking.com/green-to-the-extreme/

Zea Mays Printmaking (Florence, MA) is a studio, workshop, gallery, educational facility and research center dedicated to the safest and most sustainable printmaking practices available. 

Artists’ Talks

ESW, Headache Clinic Calendar Selfie #1, 2018

POSTPONED: Artist’s Talk with Esther S White: DEAL WITH IT
Thursday, March 5 12AM–1PM at the William Blizzard Gallery, Springfield College; Visual Arts Center, Blake Hall, 2nd Floor, Wilbraham Ave, Springfield, MA.
Exhibition dates: February 10–April 10, 2020
Gallery Hours: M–F, 9:30AM–4:30PM

Exhibiting artist Esther S White will give a talk about her autobiographical prints and artists’ books, followed by a Q and A. Part of the exhibition “One after Another – Zea Mays Printmaking Member Artists,” curated by Jessica Poser. Free and open to the public. Visitors may park in Lot 4, see campus map & google map.

Esther S White, Clothes that are too small or no longer needed (toddler jeans), 2017, gelatin plate monotype, 16″x21″

Art Talk: Monotypes and Monoprints
Friday, February 28 from 6–8PM at #LOCAL Gallery, 40 Cottage Street, Easthampton, MA.
Exhibition dates (extended): February 7–March 28, 2020
Gallery Hours: Th–Sat, 12–7PM

Exhibiting artists Lisa Barthelson, Elisa Lanzi, and Esther S White will join Gallery director Elizabeth Appelquist in a lively discussion and Q and A. Part of the show “Singular: Monotypes and Monoprints,” curated by Doris Madsen, Elisa Lanzi and Edda Sigurðardóttir; Monotype Guild of New England. Free and open to the public. Champagne refreshments will be served.

ESW, Learning to Walk #3, 2016, 42”x40”; quilt: cotton, ber-reactive dye; relief printed, hand-dyed, machine stitched and quilted

Self-publishing evangelism

Northampton Print and Book Fair
Sunday, September 29, 2019 12–5 pm
A.P.E. Ltd. Gallery at 126 Main Street, Northampton, Mass.

We’re back for a fifth year of celebrating contemporary artist prints and publications in downtown Northampton! Stop by and see the work of over 30 artists, presses, and collectives who will be showcasing books, zines, prints, posters, tshirts, and much more.

Following the fair, join NPBF co-founders Esther S White & Trevor Powers for a presentation and discussion about art and self-publishing at Forbes Library, sponsored by the Forbes Library Zine Club. Special opportunity to see and handle artist book box sets 12X12 and 9X10 and the famous and rare MEMORY FULL zines! Self-publishing: HOW & WHY, Tuesday October 2, 6:30 pm at Calvin Coolidge Museum, Forbes Library, 20 West Street, Northampton, MA

More info about the fair and vendor profiles can be found on our websiteInstagram feed, and our Facebook event page.